Alan Beith:
A View from the North
by Sir Alan Beith
Published 01 Sep 2008
Hardback £18.99
ISBN 9781904794271
Sir Alan Beith’s autobiography provides the reader with an insight into major political events and the life of a hard-working MP. It is a book that will appeal to readers interested in current affairs, history and political life, illustrated with a wide range of Sir Alan’s personal and political photos and other images. It looks at his political life, starting with his origins in the Manchester area and following his 35 years as an MP and leading figure in the Liberal Democrats. The book covers key stages in his party's growth, including his time in the Lib-Lab pact in the 1970s and his involvement in the formation of the party. In addition to his political life, he also writes about his faith and how it has affected his political philosophy.
‘This is a biography worth reading for its humanity and for its occasional political aperçus.’ Journal of Liberal History.
’He writes engagingly and often movingly of his life and his faith.’ The House Magazine.
’This book, like its author, is reassuring and reflective, quiet should never be confused with dull . Refreshingly Alan Beith comes over as a man of principle based on his long-held beliefs in goodness, justice and faith.’ David Stuckey, The Baptist Times.